Wednesday 23 November 2016

Texture Straight Images

I think that this picture represents texture well since the wood streaks in that formation appeals to me as the viewer. It also bring a warm feeling because of the orange colours involved in the photo.

This also appeals to me since this photo has me question what surface or materiel this is. It also bring about a warm feeling since the orange lighting reflected off of the white surface.

I think this is a good photo since it has a direct view of the subject being the roast potatoes in the shot. It also brings a warm feeling to the photo because of the yellow and orange colour of the potatoes.

I like this photo since it clearly shows how sand can be in many forms and has me imagine how it would be like walking on this sand.

This photo appeals to me since it also has me imagine how it would be like to play with the sand as if I was younger once again. The various tones also help demonstrate how the sand can be constructed in different forms such as hills or flat surfaces.

1 comment:

  1. your post is on the theme of texture, how do the images relate to the subject area you are studying..
