Monday 28 November 2016

Shape Straight Images

I like this picture representing shape since this machinery is in an unusual place to me being at the beach. I do also like the wide depth of field used since it demonstrates the shape of the object as well as its surroundings.

I also like this picture since it shows the shape water can take place and how it could change and flow as shown from the longer shutter speed used on the camera. This appeals to me since the fountains are also in an unusual spot making me want to know this destination.

This picture interests me since the macro shot really brings the water into viewpoint with its narrow depth of field. Also, this picture interests me since it is interesting to see what shape water can take in the conditions that it has.

This picture also interests me since it displays all sorts of shapes being reflected  onto the water. For example the wooden construction in the middle has a near to perfect reflection onto the water, making it interesting for me to view.

Finally this photo also interests me since the water has taken a very elegant shape from the fountain. The well composed shot of the photo easily influences the viewer to focus onto the fountain.

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