Wednesday 23 November 2016

Form Straight Images

This is my favorite picture that represents form since this is not a usual object that would be seen at the beach. It also has me question why there is such a machine here at the beach and why it could have been used. The wide depth of field also brings out the other factors in the image such as the rest of the background.

I also like this picture because it bring out one of the many forms water can become rather than just an ordinary tap running water. The narrow depth of field has the viewer easily identify what the focus area of the photograph is and also has me question what else could be created with water? And how water could be aesthetically pleasing.

This picture also brings out the many forms of what water could be. Like the last picture, the narrow depth of field makes it easy for the viewer to identify the focus point of the picture. The orange colour of the light also brings a warm feeling to the photo.

This photo shows the 3D form of a person. This photo was taken with a low shutter speed to only bring out the form of the sculpture and by removing the background.

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