Thursday 3 November 2016

Reflection Straight Images

This is my favourite photo showing reflection since the reflection from the mirror almost shows an opening into another dimension. This could have the viewer question what else is beyond this reflection and what could be discovered. The viewer is also easily directed to what to focus on, in this case it would be the mirrors reflection. Furthermore, the mirrors frame is has similar colours or has analogous colours to the surrounding gravel which overall fills the the area around the mirror. 

This photo also shows the distorted reflections from the water showing the sculpture of the swan. In my opinion, the various reflection tones form the water is very interesting because it shows a calm activity of the water in comparison to a tsunami for example.

This photo is a good example of framing since it includes frames inside frames in the photo. The issue with this photo that I can identify is that it is not framed properly on the right side of the photo so this could be edited with photoshop to be framed properly.

This photo also demonstrates an example of reflection since it shows the reflection of a fountain through the mirror. This picture appeals to me since it shows the fountain upside down, possibly creating an alternative perspective to the viewer. The focus point is easy to identify and understand.

This photo represents reflection from the sunlight onto the water. This appeals to me since it shows the ripples and colours of the water and how it could be changed by the fountain and the reflection of the sun. I also think that this photo was well framed since it also shows the slightly diagonal lines of the pathway behind the water in a symmetrical fashion.

Photo improvements and editing photo 1:

Before Editing

After Editing

I have chosen to edit this photo since the right side of the photo was out of frame. The solution to this issue was to crop out part of the right side to make the frame clear to see.

Photo 2:

Before Editing
After editing
I have also chosen to edit this photo since the footpath of the original photo was not completely straight. So I have rotated the image. I hale also very slightly changed the green hue to blue to further bring out the reflection from the sun around the water fountain.

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