Monday 28 November 2016

Shape Work Diary

This photograph was taken with a slower shutter speed with a higher aperture to bring out the light reflection and shape of the fountain. This is well composed since the path way behind the shape of the fountain the in a straight line.

This photo was taken with a very high aperture of f 22 which is why everything is in focus including the shape of the object and the background involved. I also think that this well well composed since the line of the beach in the background is a straight line. This photo has an easily recognisable focus point being the object in the middle.

This photo does include the shapes of the water flowing and the leafs from the water also. This was taken with a longer shutter speed to capture the dark scenery included in the photograph. I do not like this photograph since the settings were not very well accustomed to the dark background. This then caused the final capture of the photograph to come out grainy and out of focus. This would have been improved if the camera settings were adjusted to a more suitable setting which would then bring out a sharper image which would be more pleasant for the viewers eye. 

1 comment:

  1. Some good work here but, based on the presentation made during the lesson and image bank research I think you should have stretch yourself in terms of capturing 2 dimensional shapes... Instead you have arguably inserted photographs which arguably belong somewhere else, e,g, reflection and form... You should try to photograph more subject matter based on the formal element Shape.
