Sunday 30 October 2016

Line Straight Images

These are my pictures taken to show the element of line

This is my favorite image before being edited. It clearly displays vertical lines with wooden textures which appeal to my sight. Furthermore, it questions me where this picture could have possibly been taken.

This picture also represents the vertical lines of a beach. This photo also shows the various tones of the sand which encourages the viewer to question what could be at the end of this beach.

This picture of a  demonstrates the vertical view as expected when approaching. This photo also demonstrates the horizontal line of the dock further out into the distance. This photo makes me question what happens there.

This picture demonstrates the horizontal views of a beach. This clearly demonstrates the tone of the sand and then the change into water. This picture in particular shows the shared colors of the sky and sea, displaying the reflection the water has.

This image shows unusual structures placed nearer to a beach. This personally looks like plane wings built into the ground which could also influence the viewer to question why the structure has been built in such a fashion.

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