Thursday 20 October 2016

Line Definition

Line Definition

A line is a representation of a path between two points. These lines can be straight, curved, vertical, horizontal, diagonal or zig zag. Lines could imply motion and suggest direction and orientation.

A line can also be implied and is then filled in by the mind when several point are positioned geometrically within a frame. Placing four dots in the shape of a square can imply that these dots are linked since the mind searches memorable patterns.

For example:

Horizontal lines imply tranquillity, peace and harmony
Vertical lines imply power and strength.
Diagonal lines imply movement, action and change.
Curved lines or S shaped lines imply quiet, calm and sensual feelings.
Lines that converge imply depth, scale and distance - a fence or roadway converges into the
distance provides the illusion that a flat two-dimensional image has three-dimensional depth.

A line is an effective element of design because it can lead the viewer's eye.
To create more effective photographs actively look for lines and arrange them within your viewfinder to invoke specific feelings.

Example of horizontal line:

Example of vertical line:

Example of diagonal line:

Example of curved line:

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