Monday 31 October 2016

Colour Straight Images

This photo that was taken demonstrates various complementary colours of this jar such as green and red. I think this photo is appealing to the eye since the distorted shape of the jar binds the colours in various ways.

This photo demonstrates the colours of warmth such as a dark yellow and orange. These colours are also analogous and in theory show courage and strength. This appeals to me since it could have the viewer question what this image could be.

This photo demonstrates the various complementing and analogous colours of different flowers and plants. The analogous colours being the purple and blue flowers and the complementing colours being the purple flowers and the green stems of those flowers. This could possibly appeal to the viewer since it demonstrates the beauty of nature and reflects the feelings of kindness, care and love.

This photo demonstrates the simplicity of how common foods can create analogous colours, this case being sweetcorn and peas. These colours could indicate a sense of dislike since green and yellow foods could indicate inedibility like mould or algae. But from an emotional standpoint, the colours shown represent confidence happiness. If the viewer were to eat healthy foods like this it has a likely chance to make the viewer happy with herself.

This photo brings about cold connotations since high colour shades of blue were used. This photo connotes the aesthetic appearance of nature.


  1. well done some good progress here

  2. Extend your terminologies what are the colours saturated or muted....
