Monday 31 October 2016

Reflection Image Bank


 I like this picture that represents reflection since it shows a constant reflection of the trees across the lake as if it was never ending. This also makes me feel like I would like to travel to this destination to see it for myself.

I also like this picture because the wine glass shows how a background can be flipped into the opposite direction. This also interests me since I would like to try this myself to see the outcome of how a background can be flipped.

I have chosen these images to represent reflection since it clearly depicts the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

Reflection and Framing Definition

Reflection - The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

This is not strictly a formal element but however is an important consideration in framing and composition and establishing balance. 

?F     Framing in composition:

 s       Compositional techniques can be added to a frame inside of your original frame. Having a frame inside your frame adds more focus to the scene and attracts the viewers focus on a specific section on a picture.

Lee Freelander

   Lee was an
 American photographer who studied photography at the Art Centre College of Design in the 1960s. 
He took pictures such as this one above which include reflection, framed into the car mirror.

Rule of Thirds:

The rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection
points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to
flow from section to section.

Golden section - the division of a line so that the whole is to 
the greater part as that part is to the smallerpart, a proportion which is considered to be particularly pleasing to the eye.


The release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational 
juxtaposition of images. 

Salvidor Dali's work is a good example of Surrealism.

Colour Straight Images

This photo that was taken demonstrates various complementary colours of this jar such as green and red. I think this photo is appealing to the eye since the distorted shape of the jar binds the colours in various ways.

This photo demonstrates the colours of warmth such as a dark yellow and orange. These colours are also analogous and in theory show courage and strength. This appeals to me since it could have the viewer question what this image could be.

This photo demonstrates the various complementing and analogous colours of different flowers and plants. The analogous colours being the purple and blue flowers and the complementing colours being the purple flowers and the green stems of those flowers. This could possibly appeal to the viewer since it demonstrates the beauty of nature and reflects the feelings of kindness, care and love.

This photo demonstrates the simplicity of how common foods can create analogous colours, this case being sweetcorn and peas. These colours could indicate a sense of dislike since green and yellow foods could indicate inedibility like mould or algae. But from an emotional standpoint, the colours shown represent confidence happiness. If the viewer were to eat healthy foods like this it has a likely chance to make the viewer happy with herself.

This photo brings about cold connotations since high colour shades of blue were used. This photo connotes the aesthetic appearance of nature.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Colour Image bank

Cold colours
Warm colours
Analogous colours 
Complementary colours

Line Straight Images

These are my pictures taken to show the element of line

This is my favorite image before being edited. It clearly displays vertical lines with wooden textures which appeal to my sight. Furthermore, it questions me where this picture could have possibly been taken.

This picture also represents the vertical lines of a beach. This photo also shows the various tones of the sand which encourages the viewer to question what could be at the end of this beach.

This picture of a  demonstrates the vertical view as expected when approaching. This photo also demonstrates the horizontal line of the dock further out into the distance. This photo makes me question what happens there.

This picture demonstrates the horizontal views of a beach. This clearly demonstrates the tone of the sand and then the change into water. This picture in particular shows the shared colors of the sky and sea, displaying the reflection the water has.

This image shows unusual structures placed nearer to a beach. This personally looks like plane wings built into the ground which could also influence the viewer to question why the structure has been built in such a fashion.

Line Image Bank

Image result for line photography
Curved lines
Image result for line photography
Diagonal lines
Image result for line photography
Horizontal lines
Image result for converging line photography
Converging lines
Image result for line photography
Vertical lines

I have chosen these images to represent an image bank since they all show a form of line such as the photo above that shows vertical lines of bamboo.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Colour Definition


•There has been a tremendous amount of research on how colour affects human beings and some of this research suggests that men and women may respond to colours differently.

•Colour affects us emotionally, with different colours evoking different emotions.

•In short, colour has the capacity to affect the human nervous system.

Pablo Picasso

The Guitarist 1903 – Pablo Picasso
Belonging to the Blue Period
In the latter part of 1901, Picasso sank into a severe depression[4]and blue tones began to dominate his paintings.
Picasso's career had been promising before 1901 However, as he moved towards subject matter such as society's poor and outcast, and accented this with a cool, anguished mood with blue hues, the critics and the public turned away from his works.

Psychological properties of colours:

Red: Courage, Strength, Warmth, Energy, 'Fight or Flight

Blue: Intelligence, communication, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness

Yellow: Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility

Green: Harmony, balance, refreshment, universal love, Boredom, stagnation, blandness

Violet: Spiritual awareness, containment, vision, Introversion, decadence, suppression

Orange: Physical comfort, food, warmth, Deprivation, frustration, frivolity

Pink: Physical tranquillity, nurture, warmth, Inhibition, emotional claustrophobia

Grey: Psychological neutrality, Lack of confidence, dampness, depression

Black: Sophistication, glamour, security, Oppression, coldness, menace

White: Hygiene, sterility, clarity, Sterility, coldness, barriers

Brown: Seriousness, warmth, Nature, Lack of humour, heaviness, lack of sophistication


Analogous colours: colours that are adjacent to each other on the colour wheel, e.g. yellow and

Analogous colours next to each other on the colour wheel "get along" and are referred to as
being harmonious. Analogous colours are often used in visual design and have a soothing affect.

Complementing colours:

Complementary colours are opposite to each other onthe colour wheel, e.g. Blueviolet
and yellow, represent
colours positioned across from
each other on the colour
Complimentary colours exhibit more contrast when positioned adjacent to each other -for
example yellow appears more intense when positioned on or beside blue or violet 

Line Definition

Line Definition

A line is a representation of a path between two points. These lines can be straight, curved, vertical, horizontal, diagonal or zig zag. Lines could imply motion and suggest direction and orientation.

A line can also be implied and is then filled in by the mind when several point are positioned geometrically within a frame. Placing four dots in the shape of a square can imply that these dots are linked since the mind searches memorable patterns.

For example:

Horizontal lines imply tranquillity, peace and harmony
Vertical lines imply power and strength.
Diagonal lines imply movement, action and change.
Curved lines or S shaped lines imply quiet, calm and sensual feelings.
Lines that converge imply depth, scale and distance - a fence or roadway converges into the
distance provides the illusion that a flat two-dimensional image has three-dimensional depth.

A line is an effective element of design because it can lead the viewer's eye.
To create more effective photographs actively look for lines and arrange them within your viewfinder to invoke specific feelings.

Example of horizontal line:

Example of vertical line:

Example of diagonal line:

Example of curved line: