Monday 30 January 2017

Portraiture Work Diary

This photograph was taken with a lower figure aperture of f8 which brought about focus on the person as well as the wall behind. The camera settings were set to an aperture priority setting so the shutter speed was automatically adjusted to show a clear photograph. Minor changed could be made to make the bricks in an orderly fashion while keeping the person as the main focus of the photograph. This adjustment would be made by rotation and cropping.

Before Edit

After edit
I believe that this was a successful edit since the bricks in the background are aligned. However the lower section of bricks gradually become more disorganised in the photograph. The only solution to this would be retaking the photograph. Overall I think that the final photograph was a good result.

This photo was also taken with a relatively low f stop value with a value of f 8 which slightly blurs out the background. Cropping and colour adjustments could be made to create a more aesthetic photograph.

Before Edit

After Edit


I think that this edit was successful since the photo includes the rule of thirds with the persons eyes line and the windows being in the top third.

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