Thursday 8 December 2016

Landscapes Straight Images

This is my favourite photo taken of landscape since it does not follow the normal trend of landscape images. What inspired me to take this photo was Ruut Blees Luxembergs photograph, In Deeper from 1999. This inspired me to try recreate the photograph by taking a picture of a staircase with a wide depth of field. I believe that I have achieved this to some extent since it does follow a wide depth of field as well as capturing a close up photograph which demonstrates a landscape.

I like this photograph that I have taken of a landscape since there is a large reflection of the water from the sky which appeals to me as the viewer. The rule of thirds can also be recognised when looking at this image from the ending of the sand to the boardwalk out from the end of the beach.

This photograph interests me as a landscape since it easily directs my point of interest to ahead of the photograph where the cycle track leads. The small reflection of the puddle also interests me as the viewer because it also leads me to focusing into the cycle track.

This landscape interests me since it demonstrates how the urban world and nature harmonise together to create impressive places such as this. The fountain and the tree in the middle of the photo are aligned, giving an aesthetic appearance of this landscape. There is also much symmetry in this photograph like the two lamp posts on the right and left of the photograph which also gives an aesthetic appearance of this landscape.

I like this photograph since it represents the landscape of a town with the fountains because the fountains give an aesthetic appearance to the photograph. The flowing form of the water also interests me as the viewer because it demonstrates the various forms water can take place. This could also be judged as not a regular landscapes in comparison to other landscape photographs.

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